Engaging in strategic partnerships
with our subsidiaries for mutual
economic benefit.

Providing Sound Strategic Direction And Corporate Governance To Our Subsidiaries.

Comthanko Trading PTY LTD (Comthanko) is a group of companies founded in 2012, seeking operational excellence and strategic partnerships in identified growth sectors. These include but are not limited to mining, manufacturing, supply, steel, and information technology.

Our Focus

Strategic Partnerships

We partner with businesses that show potential
to be market leaders and have
a competitive advantage in their
respective industries.

Strategic Direction & Corporate Governance

The group oversees operations across all
subsidiaries and provides strategic direction
and corporate governance to ensure growth
and sustainability.

Creating Economic Value

We are aware of our responsibility to
generate economic value. We aim at
creating growing value for the
South African economy by creating
sustainable businesses and industrial
advancement by leveraging the
group’s high level of expertise.

Our Services



Supply & Distribution



Our Companies

We partner with businesses
that show potential for growth

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